This is a blog of one emphatic Russian girl, Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU) 2 year student of the Department of Foreign Languages and Area Studies ( Aparte de Inglés estudio Español y quiero encontrar nueva gente para comunicarse virtualmente :)
The main page of our collaborative project, dedicated to Tennessee Wiiliams' plays -

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Yep, today I'm sad and tired. It's all because of information science. We learn HTML now and it drives me mad(( I don't like it!! I can't understand HOW a man's mind could came to writing (=typing) colors by means of a combination of 6 letters and figures (for example, white=FFFFFF), to use special "tags", etc. It's all B.G. fault))
But coming back to the topic: we (KOALition) decided to work on Tennessee Williams play(s). We haven't decided yet the exact title of our topic, but for sure it will be concerned with moral code and ethics. I'm already loading the movie version of "The Streetcar Named Desire" starring Marlon Brando as Stanley and Vivien Leigh as Blanche.
It would be great if I manage to combine "enjoyable & useful" (as Russians say)), 'cause, as you know, not long ago I became keen on movies, especially old (1930s-1970s) drama and art house. So, looking forward to watching this film as soon as it downloads.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Привет! & Hello! & iHola! & Hallo!

So I'm with you, ladies and gentlemen! ;)
This is my sample blog to learn how it all operates and ... just to be here, to write thoughts and ideas and impressions when is needed)