This is a blog of one emphatic Russian girl, Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU) 2 year student of the Department of Foreign Languages and Area Studies ( Aparte de Inglés estudio Español y quiero encontrar nueva gente para comunicarse virtualmente :)
The main page of our collaborative project, dedicated to Tennessee Wiiliams' plays -

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Pics for 6-word stories*

These are two photos, which suit best (from the amount I've found) for this short thing: "Spring: sky, rain, umbrella - and tears".


Anna V. Filatova said...

Lena, these are really nice pictures! Have you tried searching
DO you know that you can store your own pictures there?

ewe said...

Hello, Anna Vladimirovna!
No, I've tried Google.
Yes, I know, thank you.